Sunday, July 30, 2017

Only One Day Left?

Imagine that you knew you only had one more day of sand remaining in your hourglass.  Tomorrow you would pass with no more time.  How would you see the people and things around you?  Would you see the world and life as if for the first time?  Wouldn’t it be easier to Sail the Seven C’s if this were the case?  Wouldn’t it be simple to instead, readily embrace the principles born of love?  Of course, we don’t know how much sand we have left.  So why not embrace and appreciate how precious every grain of sand is regardless? 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Coco Sailing the Seven C’s

Isn’t is awesome what animals can teach us if we just pay attention?  No chasing, clinging, or controlling here.  Nowhere to go, nothing to do.  No fuss, no muss.  Just being, genuinely enjoying and soaking up the simplest gifts of life with zero expectations.  Way cool!